My Adventure

Once upon a time, I was scaling down the mountains. Looking at the fine scenery and the finetown of Seinville. The view felt great. I couldn't take my eyes of the wonderful, natural scenery. After a few moments, I've decided to go down. As I was going down, an interesting old man appeared. He told me I was the chosen one, and I asked why. The old man told me that I was randomly chosen by some being. I felt proud, and sick in my stomach. Why was I chosen for this? And what am I supposed to do? The old man gave me a sword, and a shield. He told me that I mudt slay something. That 'something' is located very far away. I have to travel through Trephabak River, the Hajj Cave, and finally the Ordeal Mountain. I set off, knowing that there is 90% chance of dying. I arrived at Trephabak River, and found my first monster. The Eyemongler. An eye with legs. I killed it and went on my way. I then arrived at the Hajj cave, and found Batman. He gave me a batarang and disappeared. And finally I arrived at Ordeal Mountain. This was it, I was ready. I then climbed up the mountain confidently... Slowly... Because I am very paranoid that this 'something' might notice me.
I finally arrived at the top of the mountain. And I saw a castle. I break open the easily breakable castle door and went in. When I went in, I felt a sense of fear, and confidence too. The castle was big. Very big. There was a large door in front of me and I thought, This must be where the 'something' is. I went in.
My quest is almost complete.
There was something in the center of the room. I touched it, and something appeared behind me.
This 'something' looks very familiar. Oh no.
I had to slay your mom.